Jun 05, 2018 | PMHC Official | 2852 views
Welcome New Members of the PMHC
The Peterborough Minor Hockey Council hosted their Annual General Meeting Thursday night and several new Board members were elected. Congratulations and thank you to the following new and returning PMHC Board members:
President: Mike Martone
Past President: Frank Curran
Vice President, Business Operations: Matt Bowen
Vice President, Hockey Operations: Rob Fitzgerald
Secretary: Liana Brown
Treasurer: Donna Johnston
OMHA Rep/Ice Scheduler: Craig Field
Board Members:
Ted Branch
Sandy Brault
Patricia Campbell
Chad Cavanagh
Wayne Clark
Greg Couch
David Dalliday
Jay Legault
Michelle Leroux
Len Warriner
Rachel Whetung
Tom White
Board appointments will be announced shortly.