Tryouts (Peterborough Minor Petes)


The PMHC is pleased to announce information regarding our tryouts for the upcoming 2025-2026 season. 

Tryouts will run for U10-U13 ~ Saturday April 19th–25th  

Tryouts will run for U14-U16 ~ Monday April 21st –27th
*specific dates/times for each age group are located on our website's calendar.

Tryout procedures are different this year to align with the OMHA's new player movement policy (linked here)

To be eligible to attend tryouts, players must register with PMHC and complete payment via Spordle BEFORE stepping on the ice.

Please select your players age group below:  **Links will not be available until April 2nd

Tryout Passport U10 2024-2025 (2016 Birth Year)

Tryout Passport U11 2024-2025 (2015 Birth Year)

Tryout Passport U12 2024-2025 (2014 Birth Year)

Tryout Passport U13 2024-2025 (2013 Birth Year)

Tryout Passport U14 2024-2025 (2012 Birth Year)

Tryout Passport U15 2024-2025 (2011 Birth Year)

Tryout Passport U16 2024-2025 (2010 Birth Year)

Payment: All payments are to be made via Spordle.

Please note – There will be no refunds and funds will not transfer to tryouts at other centres
(i.e., funds will not be transferred to the PHA to cover AA tryouts).

Jerseys: Players must bring their own jersey, pinnies will be provided. 

Releases: All releases shall follow OHF guidelines and are found on the PMHC Website

We're looking forward to seeing everyone at tryouts!