2025-2026 Tryout Information (Peterborough Minor Petes)

Print2025-2026 Tryout Information


The PMHC is pleased to announce information regarding our Preskates and Tryouts for the upcoming 2025-2026 season. If you have any questions or in need of assistance please contact [email protected] 

Pre-Skates will run ~ Monday April 14th-Friday April 18th 

Tryouts will run for U10-U13 ~ Saturday April 19th–25th  

Tryouts will run for U14-U16 ~ Monday April 21st –27th 

  • Different this year is that Preskates and Tryouts have separate registration forms and payments. 
  • All players interested in trying out must register with PMHC by purchasing a preskate and a tryout passport.

Please click on the following tabs for each:

Preskate Registration *registration opens March 12

Tryout Registration *registration opens April 2nd 

Underage Players:  

  • Any players wishing to tryout for a team as an underager MUST complete this separate form

  • Underage Player Tryout Passport 2025-2026(due two weeks prior to first tryout)

  •  Please ensure you have read the Underage Policy in our Rules & Regulations (linked here)

Payment: All payments are to be made via Spordle.

Please note – There will be no refunds and funds will not transfer to tryouts at other centres
(i.e., funds will not be transferred to the PHA to cover AA tryouts).

Jerseys: Players must bring their own jersey, pinnies will be provided. 

Releases: All releases shall follow OHF guidelines and are found on the PMHC Website

We're looking forward to seeing everyone at tryouts!